We offer the Mass for a specific intention because we believe in the immense spiritual value of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass.
“Christian faithful who make an offering so that the Mass may be applied for their intention contribute to the good of the Church and by their offering take part in the concern of the Church for the support of its ministers and works.” (Canon Law 946)
If a Mass intention is granted then a Priest will celebrate Mass for the intention even if there is no offering recieved. In the Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter, the usual suggested donation for a Mass intention is $10.
If you wish to request a Mass please fill out the form below. The parish office will contact you when your request has been reviewed. Weekday Masses and some Sunday Masses are offered for single intentions. The Pastor has the sacred obligation of Celebrating Mass pro populo, that is applying a Mass for all their people on all Sundays and Holy Days. Please note that many dates are filled months in advance.